Half Hourly Meters
Half hourly meters are modern energy management technology that offers businesses precise, automated monitoring of their electricity consumption through advanced Automated Meter Reading (AMR) systems. They provide detailed insights into energy usage patterns every 30 minutes, enabling businesses to make informed decisions about their energy consumption and costs.
At Dyce Energy, we specialise in providing businesses with half hourly meter solutions designed to enhance their energy efficiency and ensure complete billing accuracy.
Get in touch with Dyce Energy today to learn how half hourly meters can streamline your energy management.
Half Hourly Meters
What Are Half-Hourly Meters?
A half-hourly meter, also known as a HH or 00, is a specialised electricity meter designed for businesses with high energy consumption.
What sets these meters apart from traditional ones is their ability to automatically record and transmit energy usage data at precise 30-minute intervals.
These devices are advanced compared to conventional meters, providing businesses with detailed insights into their energy consumption patterns. The data is automatically transmitted to their electricity supplier through a dedicated communication system, eliminating the need for manual meter readings and estimated billing.

How Half Hourly Meters Work
Half hourly meters use a system of automated data collection and transmission. The installation process typically involves:
Initial assessment of your business's energy needs
Configuration of the meter to your specific requirements
Setup of communication systems for data transmission
integration with your energy management systems
The AMR technology ensures that readings are automatically collected and transmitted to your supplier, making sure the data is accurate and eliminating the need for manual intervention.

Who Needs A Half Hourly Meter?
For large consumers of electricity (using 100kWh or more in any half-hour period), installation of a half hourly meter is mandatory. It’s important to note that under P272 regulations implemented by Ofgem, businesses with meter profile classes ’05’, ’06’, ’07’, or ’08’ are legally required to have half-hourly meters installed. While most affected businesses have already made this transition, some may still need to complete the switch.
Beyond mandatory requirements, half hourly meters can benefit:
- Organizations looking to optimise their energy use and reduce costs
- Businesses requiring detailed consumption data for strategic planning
- Companies committed to improving their environmental performance
- Manufacturing facilities and other energy-intensive operations
- Large office complexes and retail establishments
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What Are The Benefits Of A Half-hourly Meter?
No Hassle, Accurate Billing
Half hourly meters automatically send readings to your supplier every 30 minutes, meaning your bills are always based on actual consumption rather than estimates, helping you avoid unexpected energy expenses.
Accessible Online Accounts
With our energy management tools, you can compare your energy usage by day, week, month or year, this will help you with your forecasting and budgeting for energy related activities/expenses.
Compliance & Regulations
For businesses that fall under mandatory installation requirements, half hourly meters ensure compliance with UK laws & regulations. This compliance helps avoid potential penalties and shows your business' commitment to energy efficiency and sustainability.
Real Time Monitoring
Half hourly meters provide unprecedented visibility into your energy consumption patterns allowing businesses to identify peak usage periods, consumption patterns, and areas for improvement, helping you make informed decisions about operations and energy management strategies.
Tailored Energy tariffs
With real-time energy usage data, suppliers are able to analyse your consumption on different days and times. You are often offered more tailored and time sensitive tariffs e.g if you altered your business operations to use less energy during peak demand hours, you could be financially rewarded.
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Half-Hourly Meters FAQs
DNO Stands For Your Local Distribution Network Operator. They Are Regulated By Ofgem And Are Totally Independent From Your Energy Supplier.
They Maintain And Manage The Electricity Network In Your Area – The Cables And Wires That Deliver Power From The National Grid To Homes And Businesses.
In General, The Costs Associated For Development, Maintenance And Upgrading Of Your Local Network By DNOs Is Paid Out Of Your Energy Bills Through Distribution Use Of Systems (Duos).
Larger Energy Users, Including All Businesses That Have A Half-Hourly Meter, Must Have An Agreement In Place With Their DNO About The Maximum Power Their Premises Will Pull From The Electricity System, The Enables The DNO To Ensure The Local Network Has The Capability To Handle Your Supply. In Turn, Business Will Pay A Charge Based On Their Agree Maximum Power Usage Usually Referred To As The Maximum Import Capacity Or Available Supply Capacity.
Maximum Demand (MD) Is A Business’s Highest Demand Of Electricity At Any Half-Hour Period And Is Measured In kW Or kVA.
Maximum Import Capacity (MIC), Also Referred To As Available Supply Capacity (ASC) Or Availability And Agreed Capacity. This Is A Connection Agreement Between The End User (Your Business) And The Local Distribution Network Operator (DNO). This Agreement Will Specify The Upper Threshold Of Energy That The Consumer Expects To Draw From Distribution System.
If The MD Exceeds The Agreed Upon MIC, An Excess Capacity Charge Is Levied By The DNO.
Capacity Charge, Also Referred To As The Availability Charge, Is The Monthly Per Unit Charge That An Energy User Pays The Local Distribution Network Operator (DNO).
The Charge Is Based On The Agreed Upon Maximum Import Capacity (MIC) Of The Business And Covers The Maintenance Of The Electricity Network.
The kVA (Kilo-Volt-Ampere) Charge Is A Monthly Amount Paid To The Local Distribution Network Operator (DNO) For The Available Power Capacity Provided To Your Business. This Is Paid Indirectly To The DNO, Via Your Energy Bills. Your kVA Charge Is Based Upon Your Maximum Import Capacity (MIC).
The are many differences between a half hourly and non half hourly meter which would wouldn’t be able to cover here. But we have a dedicated blog on the topic which you can access here
If your business consumes more than 100kWh per half hour, installation is required by law. Also, businesses with certain profile classes must have half hourly meters installed under Ofgem’s P272 regulations.
You can find more information on this in our Do You Need A Half Hourly Meter blog
Yes, the detailed consumption data that is provided by half hourly meters helps identify inefficiencies and opportunities for cost savings. By understanding your usage patterns, you can just adjust operations to take advantage of lower rate periods.
Yes, half hourly meters can be integrated with renewable energy systems. This integration helps optimise the use of renewable energy sources.
Half-Hourly Meters Common Concerns
While half hourly meters may have higher standing charges, the potential for cost savings often outweighs these expenses. The detailed consumption data allows businesses to optimise their energy usage and potentially reduce overall costs. The ability to identify inefficiencies and shift usage to off-peak hours can save costs significantly over time.
The decision to switch depends on various factors, including your business’s energy consumption patterns and operational needs. For businesses looking to gain better control over their energy usage and costs, half hourly meters provide valuable insights that can inform energy management strategies.
Currently, half hourly metering is specific to electricity consumption. While gas meters may have automated reading capabilities, they don’t typically offer the same half-hourly reading intervals.
Half hour rates refer to the specific tariffs applied to energy consumption during different 30-minute periods throughout the day. These rates can vary based on peak and off-peak times.