Our commitment to you

We Aim to provide the highest level of service to you and your business.

Our teams would be happy to hear from you, good or bad.

We continually strive towards improving our business processes and systems to give you the very best, hassle free energy tariff.

We know it’s frustrating when things go wrong. We also know that it’s good to get things off your chest, so let’s talk.

Dyce Energy Team
Dyce Energy Sales Team

Let's Talk

As soon as something isn’t right please contact us.

We can work hard to resolve your issue and understand that not all businesses have time to talk, so you can submit your feedback online via Your Energy Online.

If you still feel that we have not met your expectations then please see our complaints process below and, rest assured, we take complaints very seriously.

How Can We Help

Making A Complaint

Making A Complaint

Please contact our customer care team between 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday and we will work with you to resolve your complaint. You can contact us in a number of ways:

• Phone: 01709 357315
• Email: enquire@dyce-energy.co.uk
• Address: B3 Patrick Tobin Business Park, Bolton Road, Wath Upon Dearne, S63 7LL

If you contact us via telephone our Customer Service Advisors will attempt to resolve the matters with you immediately. If the matter cannot be immediately resolved the advisor will ask you to write to us via email or post.

We aim to respond to your complaint in full within 10 working days. Sometimes this is not possible as we may need further time, if so we will keep you updated with the new timescales we put in place for resolving your complaint.

Resolving A Complaint

The Customer Service Advisor will provide you with a resolution to your complaint. You will be able to accept or reject the resolution depending on whether you feel the resolution is fair.

Phone: 01709 357315
Email: enquire@dyce-energy.co.uk

Complaint Deadlock

If your complaint is less than 8 weeks old and we have done everything we can to try and resolve your complaint, we will deadlock the complaint. A letter will be sent advising you of the deadlock, this means that you can go to The Energy Ombudsman with your complaint. If your complaint is more than 8 weeks old, and we have not come to resolution, you will receive a letter advising you are within your rights to contact The Energy Ombudsman.

The Energy Ombudsman will liaise with us directly to try and come to a resolution. Their services are free for you to use and they’re entirely independent, they don’t take sides and their decisions are based only on the information they have.

Contact Details For The Energy Ombudsmen

Phone: 0330 440 1624
Email: enquiry@energyombudsman.org
Address: Energy Ombudsman, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice consumer service offers easy to get free, independent advice about your energy supply. You might want to get a better deal, find out how to make a complaint, get advice about the quality of your electricity or gas supply, or ask for help if you’re struggling to pay your bills.

t: 0808 223 1133 or Welsh speaking: 0808 223 1144
w: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/energy

Dyce Customer Service Team

Dedicated UK Support

Need further assistance? Absolutely no problem. Feel free to reach out to the Dyce Energy Team. 

Latest Blogs

Stay up-to-date with our latest blogs

Understanding ESG Environmental

In this blog, we’ll break down what ESG is and why it matters. We’ll explore the benefits of ESG, how it’s reported, and even touch on ESG investing. We’ll also look at how ESG compares to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and take a closer look at the “E” (Environmental) to understand why it’s so important for businesses today.

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How to Reduce Carbon Footprint for Businesses  

In your personal life, you may be trying to reduce your carbon footprint, whether it’s through traveling less, sustainable products, investing in an electric vehicle or even something as simple as taking your own bag to the supermarket. But it’s often our commercial activities that leave a much bigger carbon footprint than our personal lives. So, question is how can business reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to tackle climate change?

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Windmills in a field of flowers against a dark blue sky.

How to Reduce Scope 2 Emissions

In this modern world, many companies are looking to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. When it comes to measuring and reporting progress, you’ll have probably seen the terminology of ‘scope 1,2 and 3 emissions’ used, but what do these actually mean. In this guide we will explain each scope, how to reduce the emissions of each and why this is important.

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