International Women’s Day 2024

At Dyce Energy we are a firm believer that being a great inspirational leader comes down to personality , commitment, perseverance, hard work and attitude – Gender plays no part in the attributes that are desired from our staff and business.

To celebrate International Women’s Day 2024, we spoke to Carrianne, HR & Finance Manager, to see what its like working for Dyce Energy.

What is your role at Dyce Energy? 

As the HR & Finance Manager at Dyce, I’ve been on an incredible journey since joining as the company’s first employee (and third staff member) back in 2017. It’s been a whirlwind experience, and I’ve had the privilege of donning various hats throughout the evolution of Dyce Energy. 

Starting as a jack of all trades during the company’s initial start-up phase, I transitioned into the role of Operations Manager before finally taking on my current responsibilities in HR & Finance in 2023. This journey has been both challenging and rewarding, allowing me to witness and contribute to the growth and success of Dyce Energy. 

I am sincerely grateful to have been a part of Dyce from its inception. Being involved in the company’s development and transformation has been a unique and fulfilling experience. Looking forward to continued success and growth as a valued member of the Dyce team. 

Which women inspire you most? 

My sincere and straightforward response is – all women. 

Becoming a mother in 2022 has instilled in me a profound and newfound admiration for the strength of women. We are undeniably resilient!  

Juggling the responsibilities of a full-time job while navigating the complexities of daily life is unequivocal evidence that women are akin to goddesses. Whether or not one chooses to have children, the unwavering dedication and hard work exhibited by women merit recognition and respect. 

In this world where my daughter is growing up, women are recognised for their innate power, and witnessing her confidently forge her own path brings me immense joy. Every moment spent observing her journey is a testament to the enduring strength and capabilities of women. 

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given? 

A guiding principle from Sir Richard Branson, embedded in Dyce Energy’s ethos since its inception: 

“If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes, then learn how to do it later.” 

This philosophy encourages embracing opportunities with an open mind and the confidence that skills and knowledge can be acquired along the way. It reflects a spirit of resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to take on challenges, embodying the dynamic and forward-thinking culture of Dyce Energy. 

What is your proudest career moment, so far? 

Roaming through Dyce HQ, I’m struck by the realisation that the last 6 years of commitment and hard work have truly paid off. 

Witnessing the team, I’ve had the privilege to train thriving in their roles and seeing the contagious passion everyone has developed for Dyce is an immensely gratifying experience. Knowing that my efforts have played a role in shaping the success of the business today fills me with an overwhelming sense of pride every single day. It’s a testament to the collective dedication and shared journey we’ve undertaken to make Dyce what it is today. 

If we asked the Dyce Energy team to describe you, what would they say? 

Carrianne: ‘A truly exceptional OG teammate, consistently delivering outstanding results!’ 

What the team have to say? 

Lisa (Worked with Carrianne since 2018) – 

“Carrianne serves as an exemplary role model, embodying grace under pressure in her demanding role at Dyce. Her approachability and friendliness make her a standout professional. As a working mother, she not only inspires but also showcases that women can successfully balance a thriving career while nurturing a family.” 

Celia (Worked with Carrianne since 2019) –  

“Carrianne exemplifies forward thinking, approaching each day with enthusiasm and motivating those around her. Her innate positivity not only uplifts everyone but also fosters a willingness to assist in any way possible. Known for her thoughtfulness and  support, Carrianne is always there for anyone in need. As an outstanding coach, she adeptly guides individuals towards achieving their professional goals within the business.” 

Andrew Mead (Worked with Carrianne since 2017) –  

“Carrianne is a fantastic example to all staff members at Dyce. In the 6 years she has worked here she has taken everything in her stride both inside and outside of work, starting as an administrator and moving up to manager as well as recently becoming a new Mum. She should be really proud of herself as a leader and someone other members of staff look up to”. 

Carl (Worked with Carrianne since 2017) –  

“Carrianne is everything we could ask for in an employee. Committed, positive about what we ask her to achieve and ready to learn. We have seen a natural leader develop over time, with a newfound confidence, Carrianne has become a role model and has the respect of her peers. She has a diligent attitude to work and a willingness to listen and embrace new challenges. We have complete trust that Carrianne will be successful in which ever role we ask of her. As part of our Senior Leadership Team Carrianne is a huge influence on the company’s growth and we thank her for all that she’s done and will do in future.” 


Take a look at our current opportunities and apply today to join our team.


To support International Women’s Day, groups and businesses worldwide have been developing engaging videos and content that solidifies their commitment to building a gender equal world. You can check out the Dyce Energy video over on our social platforms and can see some of the amazing work done across the globe here.

#IWD2024 #InspireInclusion

Small Business Energy: Addressing Climate Change Concerns

Small Business Energy: Addressing Climate Change Concerns

Navigating the complexities of running a business in today’s dynamic world poses numerous challenges, particularly when confronted with disruptions that deviate from the norm. Amidst these challenges, the Earth itself has decided that the status quo of business operations is no longer sustainable.

Climate change, once a topic debated for its existence and impact, has now emerged as a formidable force shaping the landscape of business. This transformation compels businesses, especially small enterprises, to adapt and proactively address the evolving environmental dynamics. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the multifaceted ways in which climate change can impact your small business and provide actionable strategies to confront these challenges head-on.

As the global climate undergoes unprecedented shifts, businesses must recognise the profound implications for their operations. By understanding the nexus between climate change and business, you can not only mitigate risks but also uncover opportunities for sustainable growth. This guide aims to equip you with the insights and tools necessary to navigate the intricate intersection of business and environmental responsibility in an ever-changing world.

Decoding Climate Change: Understanding the Phenomenon Shaping Our Planet’s Future

Formerly referred to as global warming but now commonly known as climate change, this phenomenon encompasses the enduring alterations in Earth’s temperatures and weather patterns. While some contend that these changes are intrinsic to nature, it is incontrovertible that human activities stand as principal catalysts for climate change. Practices such as the combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) for energy generation, inadequate waste management, and the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources collectively contribute to a climate crisis, predominantly manifested through the greenhouse effect.

Rigorous analysis conducted by scientists at NASA reveals a discernible escalation in the Earth’s average temperature, registering an increase of at least 1.1°C since 1880. Although this numerical increment might appear modest, its repercussions are already evident, notably in the form of escalating sea levels attributable to the melting polar ice caps. This underscores the urgency for comprehensive and sustained efforts to address the environmental consequences of human activities and mitigate the far-reaching impacts of climate change on our planet.

Why is climate action so urgent?

Over the past few decades, our world has witnessed alarming environmental transformations, signifying the escalating impacts of climate change. These changes include:

  1. Rising Temperatures and Intensified Weather Events:

– Escalating global temperatures have given rise to more frequent and severe weather events, disrupting ecosystems and communities worldwide.

  1. Extended Wildfire Seasons:

– The duration of wildfire seasons has notably extended beyond historical records, with fires becoming more intense and widespread, posing significant threats to biodiversity and human settlements.

  1. Coral Reef Degradation:

– Coral reefs, vibrant ecosystems crucial for marine life, are experiencing distressing phenomena such as bleaching, resulting in the loss of their vivid colours. This degradation is primarily attributed to rising sea temperatures and environmental stressors.

  1. Antarctic Ice Melting:

– Sizeable portions of ice in the Antarctic have fractured and begun to melt, contributing to rising sea levels and posing risks to low-lying coastal areas globally.

As the planet undergoes warming, the repercussions extend beyond mere temperature increases. A half-degree Celsius elevation can intensify evaporation, leading to a higher water content in the atmosphere. This alteration in atmospheric conditions disrupts the accustomed climate patterns for both humans and animals. The consequences are far-reaching, endangering human health, compromising water supplies, and jeopardizing agriculture. Acknowledging these realities underscores the urgency for collective action to mitigate further climate change impacts and work towards sustainable practices to safeguard our planet and its inhabitants.

What are the risks of climate change?

Climate change poses three significant risks that extend beyond individual businesses, affecting the global community:

  1. Physical Risks:

– Immediate threats stemming from the changing physical environment, such as wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and droughts, are symptomatic of climate change. These events have the potential to cause global impacts. For instance, the skiing industry is already grappling with the effects of climate change, evidenced by reduced snowfall due to rising temperatures, leading to shorter ski resort seasons.

  1. Liability Risks:

– The surge in climate litigation globally underscores the escalating liability risks. Businesses face potential liabilities when they fail to adapt to, disclose, or comply with evolving legal and regulatory requirements related to climate change. Regulators and investors are increasingly scrutinising businesses to ensure compliance with the evolving legal landscape, making it imperative for companies to navigate these changes responsibly.

  1. Transitional Risks:

– Transitional risks encompass the potential costs for businesses arising from the introduction of new laws, policies, and regulations addressing climate change. Industries, particularly energy and mining, are significantly impacted. The energy sector, under pressure to adopt greener practices, faces the challenge of transitioning to renewable energy sources. Governments worldwide are pushing for sustainable alternatives, prompting energy suppliers to adapt to these new regulations. The mining and precious metals industry, facing reputational challenges due to environmental impacts, grapples with financial risks associated with policies introducing carbon pricing.

These three categories of risks necessitate proactive measures and adaptation strategies for businesses and industries to thrive in a changing climate landscape. Adhering to sustainable practices, complying with regulations, and embracing innovative solutions are essential for mitigating these risks and ensuring a resilient global future.

Elevating Your Business Strategy: The Crucial Importance of Addressing Climate Change Risks

In the current landscape where climate change is at the forefront of public concern, businesses must integrate climate considerations into their strategic plans. The warming planet poses a multitude of risks, ranging from labour shortages and supply chain disruptions to increased costs. Extreme weather events like floods, fires, and hurricanes directly impact 70% of all economic sectors globally.

Proactive businesses that incorporate climate change into their strategic planning can not only mitigate risks but also capitalize on opportunities presented by a transition to a greener future. Rising temperatures necessitate a thorough assessment of potential challenges, such as labour shortages and supply chain disruptions, prompting the development of robust plans to navigate these issues.

Taking immediate action allows businesses to not only safeguard against climate-related risks but also position themselves to benefit from emerging opportunities in sustainable practices. Failure to address climate change in today’s socially conscious environment can result in reputational damage, undermining any existing or planned sustainability initiatives. By embracing climate-conscious strategies, businesses not only contribute to a healthier planet but also strengthen their resilience, reputation, and long-term viability in an increasingly environmentally conscious marketplace.

How can climate change affect my business?

Climate change has transcended its classification as solely an environmental issue; it has now become intricately intertwined with various aspects of society, significantly impacting businesses in diverse ways:

  1. Increased Risk due to Extreme Weather Conditions:

– The escalating frequency of extreme weather conditions, such as storms, floods, heatwaves, and droughts, poses substantial risks to businesses. These events disrupt operations, leading to both financial and physical damages. The heightened risk profile is reflected in increased insurance costs, forcing businesses to allocate more resources to secure their operations.

  1. Harsher Working Conditions:

– Changing weather patterns and rising temperatures are leading to harsher working conditions, particularly in sectors requiring physical labour, such as outdoor activities. This not only presents operational challenges but also elevates health and safety risks associated with certain jobs.

  1. Change in Cost and Resource Availability:

– Extreme weather events, even on a global scale, can disrupt supply chains. Businesses, especially those in the food and beverage industry, face challenges due to shortages in crops caused by droughts and changing weather patterns. Rising transportation and electricity costs further impact businesses, leading to potential price increases for customers.

  1. Increased Public Pressure:

– Growing societal awareness of climate change has resulted in increased public pressure on businesses to minimise their environmental impact. Consumers actively seek out sustainable products and environmentally friendly businesses. There is also a heightened expectation for companies to engage in socially responsible practices, including donations to environmental charities. Leading corporations like IKEA, Apple, and Starbucks have committed to producing 100% renewable energy, setting a benchmark for others.

While some businesses are embracing sustainability in response to public pressure, there is a risk of others merely jumping on the environmental bandwagon without implementing substantial changes. The shift towards a greener and more responsible business model is not only a response to consumer demands but a critical component of long-term resilience and success in a world increasingly focused on environmental sustainability.

How much is the UK responsible for climate change?

The responsibility of a country for climate change is often assessed based on its historical contributions to greenhouse gas emissions, its current emissions, and its efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change. While the UK may be geographically smaller than countries like the United States and China, its historical industrial activities have made it one of the major contributors to global warming.

Historically, the UK played a significant role in the early stages of the industrial revolution, dating back to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. During this period, the UK’s industrial activities heavily relied on the burning of fossil fuels, contributing to the release of substantial amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The cumulative effect of these historical emissions has contributed to the country’s substantial responsibility for climate change.

Recent studies, including the one conducted by Oxfam, emphasise that countries in Europe and North America, including the UK, exhibit higher energy consumption and emissions per person compared to countries with larger populations like China and India. This highlights that individual consumption patterns and historical emissions play a crucial role in assessing a country’s responsibility for climate change.

It’s essential to note that the contemporary discourse on climate change responsibility also involves considering current efforts by countries to reduce emissions, transition to renewable energy, and adoption of sustainable practices. As global efforts intensify to address climate change, countries, including the UK, are under increasing pressure to not only acknowledge their historical contributions but also take meaningful actions to mitigate their impact on the environment and work towards a more sustainable future.

What has the UK government committed to do about climate change?

The UK government has indeed taken significant steps to address climate change, acknowledging its existence and the potential consequences it poses to the planet. Here are two key measures and policies implemented by the UK government:

  1. Climate Change Act 2008:

– The UK was a pioneer in creating a legally binding commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Enacted as the Climate Change Act 2008, the government committed, by law, to cutting greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% of 1990 levels by 2050. This commitment was later amended in 2019 to achieve net-zero emissions (100%) within the same timeframe. The Act establishes a robust framework for addressing climate change, setting clear targets and timelines.

  1. Committee on Climate Change (CCC):

– The CCC plays a crucial role in advising the government on emissions targets and evaluating progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This independent advisory body monitors government actions and conducts an annual assessment to determine if the UK is on track to meet its carbon budgets. The CCC’s findings provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of climate policies.

However, it’s essential to note that despite these efforts, challenges persist. The recent annual report from the CCC, revealing a 4% increase in emissions in 2021 compared to 2020, underscores the ongoing difficulties in achieving emissions reduction goals. This highlights the need for continuous evaluation, adjustment of strategies, and possibly the implementation of additional measures to ensure that the UK stays on course to meet its climate targets.

While the government has taken significant strides, the complexity of addressing climate change necessitates ongoing commitment, adaptation, and collaboration across various sectors to achieve meaningful and lasting results.

Empowering Change: Practical Steps for Businesses to Mitigate Climate Impact

Businesses, regardless of their size, can play a crucial role in tackling climate change by adopting sustainable practices. Here are three key strategies:

  1. Reduce Energy Consumption:

– Focusing on energy efficiency not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also yields financial savings. Businesses can take simple yet effective measures such as switching to LED lights, optimising and maintaining heating/cooling systems, and investing in energy-efficient products. Conducting an energy audit can identify specific areas for improvement, allowing businesses to make informed decisions on reducing their overall energy consumption.

  1. Choose Sustainable Suppliers:

– Businesses must extend their commitment to sustainability beyond their own operations and into their supply chain. By partnering with sustainable suppliers, a business ensures that its entire supply chain prioritises environmentally responsible practices. This could involve selecting suppliers who adhere to sustainable sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution processes. Collaborating with like-minded suppliers contributes to a more comprehensive and impactful approach to sustainability.

  1. Minimise Business Travel:

– Business travel is a significant contributor to carbon emissions. The shift to remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the viability of online collaboration tools. Businesses can minimize their carbon footprint by utilising shared online drives and video conferencing platforms to conduct meetings and collaborate on projects. When travel is unavoidable, opting for public transportation modes like buses, trains, and trams can substantially reduce the environmental impact compared to individual car travel or air transport.

These initiatives not only align with environmental sustainability but also resonate with the growing demand from consumers and stakeholders for socially responsible and eco-friendly business practices. Implementing these strategies contributes not only to mitigating climate change but also to building a positive and responsible brand image. Every effort, regardless of scale, makes a meaningful difference in the collective fight against climate change.

Get your business set with Dyce Energy

At the end of the day, we want businesses to flourish in the right way whilst still striving towards being as sustainable as possible. From understanding climate change to the simple steps businesses can take, our handy guide can help.

Get in touch today with the Dyce Energy team to discuss your needs or to get more information about business energy.

Business Energy: Preparing Your Business for Winter

Preparing for winter is essential for businesses, not just in terms of things like staffing and inventory but also when it comes to energy.

In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of businesses being prepared for winter with energy usage in mind. We’ll provide insights and advice for decision makers to help you keep costs lower during winter by implementing energy efficient actions.

Energy Loss in Winter

With increased energy consumption and the potential for large energy losses, winter can be a terrible time for companies. This period between November and February is referred to as the triad period. During this period, electricity users are advised to reduce their consumption as energy costs peak at this time.

Let’s take a look at where your company could be losing energy:

Inefficient buildings: According to the Department of Energy, approximately 25% of heat in a building is lost through doors and windows. Poorly sealed windows and doors can allow warm air to escape, driving up your heating costs.

Poor Insulation: This one may seem obvious; however, many buildings suffer due to insufficient insultation in walls and roofs that leads to wasted energy due to the escaping heat. By investing in insulation and proper installation, business can drastically reduce energy costs.

Neglected Heating Systems: Heat systems like radiators or heaters that haven’t been maintained become less efficient over time and therefore require more energy to work at full capacity. Having properly maintained heating systems may cost the business money in the short term, however, you could save more in the long run.

Unmaintained Machinery: Similar to the above, poorly maintained machinery can lead to it requiring more energy to reach full capacity or it may not even reach full capacity. Keeping equipment in the best chape possible is an essential part of keeping energy cost low, especially during the winter months.

Heating Empty Spaces: In larger business premises its essential you make sure that empty spaces aren’t being heated. Where possible it is advised that you zone your heating or other control it, this is to make sure that energy wastage is kept to a minimum. An easy way to think about it is, focus on heating in space, opposed to the space itself.

Lost Heat from Open Doors/Windows: It isn’t just the unintended gaps in doors and windows that can lead to wasted energy. Your employees or customers leaving doors and windows open can lead to significant heat loss. As best practice having proper training and signage for staff and visitors should keep heat loss to minimum.

How Businesses Can Prepare for Winter

Now we’ve identified where you could be wasting/losing energy, here are some steps you can take to prepare for the winter months.

Check Building Insulation and Windows: Inspecting the insultation and windows of the premises should be a priority for businesses in preparation for winter. You can identify areas for improvement such as noticing a significant breeze from a window/door, or single-glazed windows if it is an old building. Investing in energy efficient windows and doors can provide benefits such as a more comfortable environment for employees, but it can also aid your attempts to keep costs low during the winter months.

Adjust Lighting and Heating: Using timers to align with your working schedule can be an exceptional way to keep your building heated only when it’s needed. Using sensors for lights can also help keep energy costs down by making energy use zonal.

Energy Saving Audit: Conduct regular energy audits, it’s recommended that this is done every 6 months, with most business conducting these just before summer and just before winter. This audit will help you pinpoint specific areas that will need improvement.

Service Machinery, Boilers, and Pipes: Ensure that all machinery, boilers, pipes and heating systems are serviced before winter to maintain efficiency and to avoid any unexpected breakdowns. Most boiler suppliers will recommend that you have service conducted once a year.

Invest in Smart Heating: Smart heating systems allow you to have precise control of temperature and heating schedules. This aids in avoiding overheating, heating empty spaces and heating outside of working hours. The in-house display will also give you real time data so you can see how much energy you are using in real time and make any adjustments accordingly.

Encourage Hybrid Working: If your business offers hybrid working, you can further reduce your energy usage, and boost team morale by encouraging teams to be in office on the same days and work from home on the same days. This not only encourages collaboration but could also play a major role in managing your businesses energy consumption.

Prepare for Closure or Peak Times Over Christmas: Plan for your businesses holiday closures and any peak periods over the festive season. Just a simple energy adjustment over this period can lead to significant savings and avoid wasting energy.

By taking some of the steps above, your business can not only reduce its energy costs but also contribute to a more sustainable future by conserving energy resources.

Winter presents unique challenges for businesses when it comes to energy efficiency. However, with careful planning and the implementation of energy-saving measures, companies can stay warm and productive while reducing energy consumption and costs. Preparing for winter isn’t just a matter of staying cosy; it’s also about making sound energy decisions that benefit both the bottom line and the environment.

Every winter poses unique challenges for business when it comes to energy efficiency. However, with the correct planning and implementation of energy efficient measures, businesses can stay warm and productive, whilst also reducing energy consumption and costs. The preparation for the winter isn’t just about staying warm and cost, its also about making savvy energy decisions that benefit both the businesses bottom line and the environment.

Here at Dyce Energy, we implement a range of energy efficient measures to ensure we are not only saving money but also doing our part for the environment. Our measures range from the most simple, keeping doors and windows shut where possible, to the more complex measures such as an annual energy audit and regular servicing of our heating systems.

What is renewable energy?

What is renewable energy?

In a nutshell, renewable comes from natural sources that won’t deplete over time, such as solar. When you hear the term ‘alternative energy’, it’s usually referring to renewable energy sources too, however there are other types energy that are considered ‘alternative energy’ (More on that later). Renewable energy means energy that’s different to the most commonly used non-sustainable sources – like coal.

What is the difference between renewable, green and clean energy?

The terms ‘green’, ‘renewable’ and ‘clean’ energy are often used interchangeably. Whilst this may be correct in some cases, there are a few distinct differences. This is most commonly seen in ‘green’ energy which in most cases is also classed as ‘renewable’, however ‘renewable’ energy is not always considered as ‘green’.

‘Renewable’ energy comes from sources that are constantly and naturally renewed, hence the name, such as solar or wind power.

‘Green’ energy is energy that can be produced using methods, and from a source, that causes no damage to the natural environment.

‘Clean’ energy is energy that, when used, creates little or no greenhouse gas emissions.

Now we know the meanings of each energy type, we can discuss why some may not be classified as ‘green’.

For example, the solar and wind power can be considered as both ‘clean’ and ‘renewable’ as when used they create little to no greenhouse emissions and use a source that is constantly naturally renewed. However, the building of infrastructure for these types of energy, such as wind turbines and solar panels, will have some carbon emissions are associated, therefore making it not ‘green’.

Examples of renewable energy

There is an ever-growing list of renewable energy sources that are becoming available, thanks to the investment in research and development as well as the advances in technology. Discover some of the most used renewable energy sources below:

Wind energy

Wind power is one of the worlds fasting growing renewable energy sources in the world, in fact wind power accounted for just over 19% of the UK’s electricity generation in 2019.

The generation of wind energy is the process if using kinetic energy from wind to produce electricity. This is done via wind turbines when the wind blows and turn the blades. The blades are connected to a generator with a gearbox, this in turn creates electricity.

Hydro energy

Hydro energy, or also commonly referred to as hydroelectric power, relates to the process of using flowing water to produce electricity. This is one of the oldest forms of renewable energy sources. The method is almost identical to wind power, except it is the flow of water than spins the turbine to generate electricity rather than wind.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is created via heat that originates from the sub surface of the earth. The process includes digging well into these underground reservoirs to release steam and hot water. The steam that is released is used to drive the turbine, which powers a generator and produces electricity.

Geothermal energy is used widely across Iceland, in fact 25% of Iceland’s energy is produced through geothermal power plants.

Solar power

It’s estimated that the sun emits around 3.86 x 1026 watts of energy at any given time. Most of this is lost to space, however, its estimated that 174 quadrillion watts hits the earth. That’s more than the total energy needs of the whole planet, many time over! Therefore, solar power is one of the most plentiful renewable energy resources available to us.

Ever developing technologies has allowed us to harness the suns energy using solar photovoltaic system (PV) or more commonly known to users as solar panels. This converts the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to power appliances and heating, or alternatively can be stored in batteries to use at a later time.

Tidal energy

Tidal energy or also referred to as tidal power is a form of hydroelectric energy, is generated by harnessing the kinetic energy created by tides, waves, or flowing waters such as rivers. Tidal energy uses large turbines which are under the surface of the water, these are connected to generators to produce energy with incoming and outgoing tides.

The worlds first dedicated testing facility for marine energy was established in Orkney, Scotland in 2003. This facility has aided the development of more wave or tidal energy technologies than any other facility like this in the world.

Benefits of renewable electricity

Switching to a renewable electricity tariff has lots of advantages:

Less global warming

As we aim to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and adopt more renewable energy alternatives. By adopting these new renewable energy sources, we can cut down the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and in turn contribute less toward global warming.

Better air quality and health

The by-products of burning fossil fuels can be detrimental to the air quality and in turn long-term health and wellbeing. However, renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydro energy don’t produce harmful by-products like nitrous oxide or carbon dioxide.

They constantly and naturally renew

As the population and development of the world grows, so does our demand for energy. Almost everything we do and need now requires some for of energy. Unlike fossil fuels like gas, coal and oil, renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydro have an infinite supply that constantly and naturally replenishes meaning they will never run out.

Cheaper in the long term

While the initial outlay for the infrastructure associated with renewable energy can be higher than traditional fossil fuels, it can be cheaper and more sustainable in the long term. In many cases, renewable energy sources such as solar panels require less maintenance, due to a lack of moving parts.

Alternative energy sources you probably haven’t heard of

Businesses and consumers across the globe are constantly looking for new energy sources and ideas to help the make smart energy decisions for the future. Here at Dyce Energy, we believe in renewable energy and the changing of the attitudes and processes of how people generate and use energy. Central to this will be discovering, developing, and investing in alternative sources of energy. The process for this has already begun, with some fascinating ways energy can be generated be implemented across the globe and even outside it!

  1. Solar wind

Research has begun at Washington State University with scientists working on an ambitious project to harness the power of solar wind, which if successful could generate 1 billion gigawatts of electricity. That’s 100 billion more power than the planet currently consumes, making this a possible game changer for the energy market. The technology to harness solar power already exists, best demonstrated by Japan IKAROS – a spacecraft that is solely powered by solar winds. With this in mind, the scientists biggest challenge is transferring all the gigawatts of power back to earth, which so far they are yet to figure out.

  1. Algal biofuels

Algae offers huge commercial potential as a possible alternative to liquid fossil fuels. This is due to the fact the carbon that they release has only recently been taken from the atmosphere via photosynthesis, this makes the image of algal fuels on the atmosphere minimal when compared to traditional fossil fuels. The production of algal fuel also has minimal impact on land and water resources as these ‘farms’ don’t require large spaces, especially when compared to traditional methods like cereal farming. Algal fuel can also be produced using sea water or even ‘grey’ wastewater making this a great alternative for energy with some across the globe already implementing this.

  1. Body heat

Sweden is renowned for its investment, research, and development of alternative and renewable energy sources with one of their latest energy sources being the Swedish people themselves. Engineers in Stockholm have created a way to harness the body heat generated by the 250,000 commuters who crowd into its central station on a daily basis. The body heat is funnelled through the stations ventilation system, it is then used to warm water in underground tanks which in turn is pumped into the heating system of a nearby office block – which conveniently is owned by the same company. This state-of-the-art technology is up and running, with the construction and installation of the system costing just $30,000. For a building whose construction costs run in the millions, this is an absolute bargain.

  1. Bioalcohols

As previously discussed with algal fuels, biomass can be converted into liquid fuels for transportation. Unlike algal fuels though other biofuels such as ethanol and biodiesel are already commercially available, and their popularity is rising quickly. In fact, during the original production and release of ford cars, Henry food intended to run all his cars on ethanol, but petroleum was much cheaper to produce. How times have changed!

  1. Dancefloors

This isn’t just smart tech, and its fun, too. Energy floors that have been implemented in Rotterdam harness the kinetic energy produced by revellers on the dancefloor. This is converted to electricity which is powering the lights on the dancefloor itself. With the average human taking roughly 150 million steps in a lifetime, there is no reason to believe why this is a form of technology cannot find wider commercial applications, think of shopping centres, busy high streets, anywhere with high footfall, these are all potential goldmines. Pavegen, a London based firm, are pushing ahead with this technology by developing the energy harvesting ‘smart street’.

  1. Jellyfish

Back to the geniuses in Sweden and at Gothenburg’s Chalmers University of Technology. One of the teams at the university are developing a biological fuel cell which derives from the fluorescent protein cells of a Aequorea Victoria jelly fish, or more commonly know as the crystal jellyfish. Now the research and development of this new innovative method of producing energy is still in its infancy, however the team so far have been able to show proof of concept by using a prototype of the device to power a clock. As much as it may seem like a pipe dream right now, one day, we could be seeing these biocells floating in the oceans, generating cheaper power with minimal environmental impact.

  1. Confiscated alcohol

The Swedes are at it again with this ingenious idea that fell into their laps. In 2007, 185,000 gallons of alcohol were confiscated at the Swedish border. Instead of during pouring it down the drain, like most of nations would, authorities decided to combine it with other fuel sources, like animal remains from slaughterhouses and human waste products in anaerobic digesters, where it was converted into a biofuel for public transport. Now it may sound disgusting, but by replacing 5 million litres of fossil fuels with 5 million litres of biogas, Sweden is able to reduce its carbon emissions by 12,000 metric tons in one city alone.

Same Service, Different Face

As we reflect on a truly remarkable year of growth, Dyce Energy is thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey – a bold and vibrant rebranding initiative.

Standing Out In The Energy Landscape:

After six successful years in the industry, we realised the need to distinguish ourselves in the competitive energy sector. This realisation has led us to embark on a transformative rebranding journey, marked by the unveiling of our dynamic new logo.

Updates Across Platforms:

You may have already caught a glimpse of our exciting changes on our website, social media channels, and customer/partner portals. As part of this evolution, you can expect to see updates to our logos on bills and statements in the coming months.

Same Exceptional Service, Fresh New Look:

Dyce Energy remains committed to providing the same unique and exceptional service you’ve come to rely on, now with a sleek new logo that reflects our forward-thinking approach.

Phased Rebranding For A Smooth Transition:

To ensure a seamless transition, we’ve opted for a phased rebranding approach with the goal of completion by the end of Q1 2024. During this period, you may still come across our previous logos, but consider this message your exclusive sneak peek to avoid any surprises.

Gratitude For Your Support:

A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated staff, invaluable partners, and loyal customers for your unwavering support and constructive feedback. Your contributions have been instrumental in making this rebranding initiative possible.

Share Your Thoughts:

We’re eager to hear your thoughts! Feel free to share your feedback on our social platforms. Your insights are incredibly valuable to us.

Contact Us:

Should you have any questions or if there’s anything you’d like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Exciting times lie ahead for Dyce Energy, and we’re thrilled to have you with us on this journey of growth and positive change.

New Low Cost Tariff Alert!

It’s safe to say that the energy market has been challenging over the past 18 months. In an effort to maintain our low-cost competitive tariff to customers, even through the most challenging times, we have designed a new tariff. Our Advance Saver Tariff will be our most cost-effective business gas or electricity contract and will launch next week.

Designed to smooth the ups and downs of supplying businesses with energy and compensate for periods of estimated usage, our Advance Saver Tariff will provide our customers with low-cost gas or electricity, with an advance payment taken on or around the contract start to the value of one month’s energy usage. The payment is held until the customer switches away, at which point it will be credited back.

We can promise that the Advance Saver will always be more cost effective than our other tariffs. The new tariff comes packed with goodies such as green energy options and smart meters too!

To take advantage of our Advance Saver Tariff’s Contact Us today.

We’ve Got the Power!

We are excited to announce that we will be launching our new electricity tariffs in June 2023. Over the past 12 months we have been working hard testing our systems with a pilot electricity project and, after some minor tweaks, we are ready to release our new products.

Dyce Energy have been supplying thousands of businesses with competitive gas tariffs for nearly 6 years and we are pleased to be able to provide you with our smart, green electricity product, as well as some standard energy tariffs. Using the same industry leading customer portal and app you will be able to manage your gas and electricity costs all in the same place.

Power your business into the future!

More support for businesses against the wholesale energy markets

In April 2023 the Government will launch the Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS), which will run for 12 months from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, replacing the current Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS).

What discount is available with EBDS?

EBDS provides qualifying businesses a discount on their gas and electricity unit rates. Discount will be applied if wholesale prices are above a certain price threshold. For most non-domestic energy users in Great Britain and Northern Ireland these maximum discounts have been set at:

– Gas – £6.97 per MWh with a price threshold of £107 per MWh
– Electricity – £19.61 per megawatt hour (MWh) with a price threshold of £302 per MWh

Energy Trade Intensive Industries (ETII) businesses, those with a high energy consumption, will get a bigger discount than other businesses and the threshold price is set at:

– Gas – £40 per MWh with a price threshold of £99 per MWh
– Electricity – £89 per MWh with a price threshold of £185 per MWh

Am I eligible for EBDS?

The scheme will be available to everyone on a non-domestic contract including:

– businesses
– voluntary sector organisations, such as charities
– public sector organisations such as schools, hospitals and care homes

who are:

– on existing fixed price contracts that were agreed on or after 1 December 2021
– signing new fixed price contracts
– on deemed / out of contract or variable tariffs
– on flexible purchase or similar contracts

Am I eligible for Further Discount under Energy Trade Intensive Industries (ETII)?

To see if your business is classed as energy intensive click HERE

What if my contracted energy rates are below the minimum threshold?

You’ll not be eligible for a discount if the rates you’re paying are below the minimum threshold.

How does it work?

As with the EBRS, energy suppliers will automatically apply reductions to the bills of all eligible non-domestic customers. But if your business is one of the listed Energy Trade Intensive Industries, then you will have to apply for the discount and provide evidence to your energy supplier. Suppliers will be compensated from the government for the reduction in wholesale gas and electricity unit prices that they are passing onto business customers.

The discount applied to usage from 1st April 2023 and will be deducted off the bill by the supplier in pence per kilowatt hour (p/kWh).

For more information and updates visit the Government website HERE

Partner Portal Relaunch

Following our return to market, we are pleased to relaunch our Partner portal.

The portal enables our Partners to provide quotes and create contract documents with just a few simple clicks. You can submit contracts and track the registration process to live date.

We have listened to our Partners and added some new features to improve functionality.

In addition Partners can now see commissions and self-billing invoices in the portal.

Contact our Partner Relationship Manager on to find our more.

Click here to access our user guide

Helping Businesses through the Winter Months…..

The government will provide energy bill relief for businesses throughout the UK. Discounts will be applied to energy usage initially between 1st October 2022 to 31st March 2023.

Are you Eligible?

The scheme will be available to everyone on a non-domestic contract including:


-voluntary sector organisations, such as charities

-public sector organisations such as schools, hospitals and care homes

who are:

-on existing fixed price contracts that were agreed on or after 1st December 2021

-signing new fixed price contracts

-on deemed / out of contract or variable tariffs

-on flexible purchase or similar contracts

How does it work?

Suppliers will be compensated from the government for the reduction in wholesale gas and electricity unit prices that they are passing onto business customers. The discount will be applied to usage from 1st October 2022 and will be deducted off the bill in pence per kilowatt hour (p/kWh) from the unit rate. For fixed contracts the discount will reflect the government published discounts each day from 1st  December 2021, based on the date the contract was agreed. For out of contract the discount will reflect the Government’s variable contract discount, which is fixed for the discount period.

All discounts have a maximum limit and will stop at the Governments set minimum price.

The link to the published discount prices can be found below:

Energy Bill Relief Scheme: discounts for fixed, default and variable contracts – GOV.UK (

Dyce Energy has updated its systems and is ready to offer discounts to qualifying customers in November 2022 and throughout the discount period

For the full break down on how the Energy Bill Relief Scheme will affect you and your business please see below:

Energy Bill Relief Scheme: help for businesses and other non-domestic customers – GOV.UK (